Interview with Acquiring Editor

Interview with an Acquiring Editor - Part 3

Interview with an Acquiring Editor - Part 3

This week we’re wrapping up our conversation with acquiring editors and publishers by discussing their hurdles and what they wish authors knew. You can read their backgrounds in Part 1 here and what they specifically look for in proposals in Part 2 here.

Interview with an Acquiring Editor - Part 2

Interview with an Acquiring Editor - Part 2

Last week, we introduced you to several acquiring editors and publishers who gave us their backgrounds on how they found themselves in the publishing field. This week we’re going to discuss what they specifically look for in proposals

Interview with an Acquiring Editor - Part 1

Interview with an Acquiring Editor - Part 1

As literary agents, we demand a lot out of our authors as they’re putting together their proposals. Our job is to make sure we present all the information publishers need to make a decision to publish our clients’ books. Editors do a lot more than simply decide to publish a book and then edit the manuscript, so we decided to interview a few of the best in the industry so you can hear directly from them.